Sometimes it`s___(a)"C".Sometimes it`s____(a)"O".填空
a C, 因为C的音标是si:
an O, o是元音
sometimes it's green sometimes it's red sometimes
It's a kind of fruit .It's round.Sometimes it's green,someti
It's always cool in S______and October.Sometimes it s______.
A:What's the ___ like in summer?B:It often ___ .Sometimes it's.
这几个词为什么要加s1,It rains sometimes .2,It snows sometimes.3,The s
sometimes it is OK to find a table for yourself ,but it's be
19.Sometimes it’s important for a mystery shopper to have th
sometimes it's better to go a longer way round怎么翻译
My cousin is _____________ sometimes. It’s hard for him to c