“There is no advantage to making things hard for yourself.”的


  • no advantage to doing sth 做某事没好处

    这是there be句型的其中一种句式,否定句式

    There be句型否定句式的构成和含有be动词的其它句型一样,在be后加上“not”.也可用“no”来表示.即:no + n.(名词)= not aanany + n.(名词).注意:no + n.(可数名词单数)= not aan + n.(可数名词单数);no + n.(可数名词复数)= not any + n.(可数名词复数);no + n.(不可数名词)= not any + n.(不可数名词).例如:

    There is an orange in her bag.

    →There isn’t an orange in her bag.

    →There is no orange in her bag.

    There is no advantage to making things hard for yourself.
