I’m excited when I am doing some difficult problems.这句话有什么问题
I’m excited when I am doing something difficult . 这样更符合英文式的表达
I am excited when …… I am angry when……
I am going to be an actor when I grow up 这句话有问题没
Why am I do these?这句话对吗?
问i am doing fine.这个doing是什么作用?以前学的这句话没有doing的.
when getting into a problem,how should i solve it?这句话有没有语法错误
who do you think i am .这句话的中文是什么
If I go there,will I am able to understand them?这句话有问题么
这两句话有什么区别,给个语境呗谢谢.What should I do?/ What am I supposed to d
有谁可以帮我看一句话:I never say I am hard-working.I am very lazy.这句话有
i always have some jobs to do (difficult)