

  • Doctor:Hello John,what's wrong with you this time?约翰,这次是哪里不舒服?

    John:Hello doctor.I have a temperature,a headache and running noses.我发烧,头痛,流鼻涕.

    Doctor:Let me see.You probably have caught a cold.I hope there is nothing serious.让我看看.你可能是受凉了,我希望你没有什么大病.

    John:Oh doctor,I feel terrible,I can not sleep well and I have no appetite.哦,大夫,我感觉糟透了,睡不好,没胃口.

    Doctor:Yes,it's a common cold.You need to drink a lot of water.And you need to take my medicine according to the instructions.You will sleep a lot after taking the medicine.You will feel better after three days.Otherwise,please come here again.是的,是普通感冒.你需要多喝水.按照说明吃我开的药品.服药后,你会睡眠会增加很多.你三天后会感到好多了.如果没好,请再让我来看看.

    John:Thank you very much doctor.See you later.大夫.下次见.

    Doctor:No problem.Take care.不用谢.保重.