急!求翻译篇短文,英语急!求翻译成英语: 很高兴和大家分享暑假中给我印象最深的一件事.在放假不久的某一天,偶然翻出了一张


  • I'm pleased to share with you a incident that impressed me the most in this past summer.I found a old picture of me at the beginning of the school break.I was five years younger in the picture:eyes widely opened,with a cute smile on the face.On the collar,there was even some dirt which I believe I got when I was playing soccer."So cute!" I was attracted by the picture and didn't even realize that I was the boy in it.Had my name not showed up next to the picture,I would never admit that little boy in the picture was me.Then I lost in thoughts,pictures such as the wet soccer field appeared in my head.The accidentally finding would be on my mind forever.