

  • Book 1 Module 4 参考答案及部分解析


    1-5 BBACA 6-10 CBBAC

    11-15 BCBCA 16-20 BABCB

    21-25 ADCBC 26-30 AACBD

    31-35 GAFEB 36-40 ACCBD 41-45 ADACB 46-50 DCBDB

    51-55 CBABC 56. called

    57. have lived 58. it

    59. who / that 60. to show

    61. up 62. an

    63. so that 64. stopping

    65. attractive


    One possible version:

    Dear Peter,

    I’m writing to tell you something about an ancient town in my hometown.

    Last weekend, I visited it with some friends. It was the second time that I had been there. And I found that great changes have taken place there.

    Two years ago, most houses were old and there were few people in the town. The environment was beautiful and quiet. But now lots of new houses have been built and more and more tourists are coming to enjoy this new tourist attraction. However, I find that the natural beauty there is slowly disappearing.

    What a pity! I think many people have the same feeling as me, for the beauty of nature is really wonderful and attractive!

    What’s your opinion? Please let me know.


    Li Hua


    One possible version:

    6,000 people including Jackson and his family went to visit the White House. The guide showed them around. Entering through the East Wing, they visited the huge State Dining Room, the Red Room and the Green Room with their silk walls, the Blue Room where the President meets guests, and the biggest room — the East Room, where guests are entertained after dinners. Jacksonloved this tour, but his only regret was not getting to see the President's living rooms.



    A篇 (社会)


    21. A.推理判断题.根据文章第一段和第五段的描述可知,津巴布韦女孩的生活很艰苦.

    22. D.细节理解题.根据第四段的I managed to walk only a couple of yards before the pot fell off my head可知,正是因为作者用头顶东西的平衡技巧太差使得那些女孩捂嘴笑话他.

    23. C.标题归纳题.本文主要描述了津巴布韦用头顶东西的女孩们,并强调了她们经常用头顶东西,故C项最符合文意.

    B篇 (文学)


    24. B.细节理解题.根据第二段的He always enjoyed every single second of the present可知,马提十分珍惜时间.

    25. C.推理判断题.根据第三段的The boys who live upstairs said that because I got famous, I should always be happy and never sad可知,住在马提楼上的男孩们认为,因为马提很有名,他不应该有烦恼.

    26. A.推理判断题.根据最后一段的the light of his life shone so brightly that every one of us will feel the light for the rest of our lives可知,虽然马提已经去世,但他的生命光环却照耀着每个人,他的精神与世长存.

    C篇 (社会)


    27. A.细节理解题.根据第二段的None of the three ... starting a tradition可知,Leon Green是Pigtown街区掷马蹄铁活动的三个创始人之一.

    28. C.推理判断题.根据第四段的People in Pigtown ... Pigtown's neighborhood spirit可知,这块场地在弘扬街区精神方面发挥了重要作用,因此居民们举办这次比赛活动.第五、六两段两位老住户说的话也是提示.

    29. B.推理判断题.根据倒数第三段的Leon Green ... stood by happily drinking a cup of fresh juice和最后一段的It's all for fun可知,Leon Green认为活动的目的完全是为了开心,说明他不太在乎胜败.

    30. D.写作目的题.本文报道了美国巴尔的摩市Pigtown街区的首届掷马蹄铁锦标赛.文章通过几位人物的谈话对这次比赛进行了生动的介绍.




    31. G.G项中的along the river beside our house与The area is perfect for dogs相呼应,指“我”每天遛狗的地点.

    32. A.从下文的a smelly old bone that she has found可知,玫瑰的嗅觉灵敏.

    33. F.由下文的I tell her to drop the bone可知,“我”不让玫瑰把她找到的骨头带回家.

    34. E.由下文的I'd made her drop the bone可知,“我”停下来后才发现玫瑰嘴里叼着一块骨头.

    35. B.由下文的Her trick hadn't quite worked可知,“我”识破了玫瑰的诡计,不由地笑话她的小聪明.




    36. A.37. C.由they were as hard as stones和in winter可知,本句描写了早期橡胶鞋和衣服的缺点——天“冷(cold)”时会冻得“直到(till)”像石头一样硬.

    38. C.根据上文的they were as hard as stones in ... weather可知.

    39. B.根据they would stand alone可知,冻得坚硬的橡胶衣服可以站立,看起来“像(like)”人一样.

    40. D.冬天橡胶衣服变硬,“更糟糕的(worse)”是,夏天它们又会熔化.

    41. A.这个人的衣服、帽子和鞋都是橡胶做的.再根据下文的People called this strange man可知,人们看到的是一个“外表古怪的(strange-looking)”人.

    42. D.“这个男人戴的帽子和穿的鞋都是橡胶做的”是对这个穿着奇怪的人的进一步说明,故用even.

    43. A.由下文的putting some rubber and sulfur together可知,古德伊尔在努力“发现(discover)”一种更好的制造橡胶的办法.

    44. C.由下文的borrowed money和live by the help of his friends可知,古德伊尔很“穷(poor)”.

    45. B.“古德伊尔借钱和需要朋友的帮助”与“他不放弃”之间是转折关系,故选However.

    46. D.根据上文的Goodyear did not give up可知,古德伊尔“相信(believed)”他会成功.

    47. C.根据by accident可知,加入硫磺的橡胶是不小心“突然地(Suddenly)”掉在火炉上的.

    48. B.加入硫磺的橡胶掉在火炉上没有熔化,这种情况与上文“夏天橡胶会熔化”形成对比,故用But.

    49. D.早期的橡胶遇冷易冻,遇热易化.古德伊尔发现眼前的橡胶掉到火炉上也没有熔化,心中自然充满了“喜悦(joy)”.

    50. B.根据上文的That night it was cold可知,古德伊尔检测了新橡胶的抗冻性能——没有“冻住(frozen)”.

    51. C.新橡胶的抗热和抗冻性能都很好,古德伊尔确信他“得到了(achieved)”他想要的.

    52. B.研究橡胶的古德伊尔生产和出售的东西自然都是“橡胶(rubber)”制品.

    53. A.由stand in the rain可知,那些不得不站在雨里的穷人们现在可以“不被淋湿了(keep themselves dry)”.

    54. B.很多人活下来是因为被橡胶“保护(protected)”.

    55. C.由People laughed at Goodyear once和转折连词But可知,最后两句形成了对照.人们曾经嘲笑古德伊尔,但最后他们“赞扬(praised)”他.


    56. called.考查非谓语动词.设空处作后置定语,修饰market, 且call与market之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故填called.

    57. have lived.考查时态.由since及I可知,在此填have lived.

    58. it.考查代词.设空处指代前面的the market,故填it.

    59. who / that.考查关系词.设空处引导非限制性定语从句修饰先行词mother, 且在从句中作主语,故填who / that.

    60. to show.考查非谓语动词.根据语境可知,设空处修饰前面的opportunity,故用不定式作后置定语.

    61. up.考查介词.put up是固定短语,意为“修建”.

    62. an.考查冠词.cover an area of意为“占……(面积)”.

    63. so that.考查连词.64. stopping.考查非谓语动词.这两个设空处所在句意为“摊主以一种特殊的方式摆放他们的食物,以致于(so that)你会情不自禁地停留、观赏”.can’t help doing sth.意为“情不自禁地做某事”.

    65. attractive.考查形容词.设空处所在句意为“所有产品的价格都很吸引人(attractive)”.



    I. 1-5 CBDAB

    II. 1-5 CCDDA 6-10 BADDC

    11-15 AABDA 16-20 BCCBB




    本文是说明文.文章介绍了交谊舞老师Pierre Dulaine和以他的故事为背景的电影Dancing in Jaffa.

    1. C.细节理解题.根据第二段的His efforts to bring Dancing Classrooms to ... in 2011 were made into the film可知,Dancing in Jaffa这部电影讲述的是一个真实的故事.

    2. B.推理判断题.根据第三段的It's very hard for any boy and girl to want to touch each other. They were covering their hands with their sleeves可知,十一岁的以色列男孩女孩不愿意接触彼此,而是害羞地用袖子遮住手跳舞.

    3. D.推理判断题.根据第四和第五段可知,同住在以色列的犹太人和巴勒斯坦人对彼此并不友好,Dulaine希望通过舞蹈,让这些孩子们学会如何积极主动地了解对方,即让他们学会如何相处.

    4. A.细节理解题.根据最后一段Lois说的Give a chance to your partner and believe in him ... The more you dance with someone, the more ... 可知,Lois认为学交谊舞最重要的是给舞伴机会并信任他.

    5. B.文章出处题.根据第三段的Dulaine ... to meet with reporters和Dulaine told TFK,以及下文出现的Dulaine says, she says, Lois offered advice for TFK readers等可知,本文最可能是一篇新闻报道.




    1. C.由下文的keep their home cool, a bit hot, In very hot weather等可知,蜜蜂是如何在很“热的(hot)”天气保持蜂巢的凉爽的呢?

    2. C.由下文的to make their own air conditioning可知,蜜蜂有它们“聪明的(smart)”办法来降温.

    3. D.由下文的fresh air is drawn in可知,蜜蜂降温的办法是让空气“流动(move)”.

    4. D.由下文的The number of fanning bees和just a few bees fan可知,蜜蜂用它们的翅膀当做“扇子(fans)”.

    5. A.由when it is a bit hot, just a few bees fan和when it gets quite hot可知,负责扇风的蜜蜂的数量“取决于(depends on)”蜂巢的温度.

    6. B.与“其它时间,扇风蜜蜂达到几百只”形成对比的是“有些时候,扇风蜜蜂只有几只”.故选Sometimes.

    7. A.由下文的They stand on the other side of ... 可知,扇风的蜜蜂需要站在蜂巢门口的一端工作.

    8. D.9. D.由stay just far enough apart可知,扇风蜜蜂站的距离足够大,这样才能够相互不“接触(touch)”,因为它们需要有足够的“空间(space)”进行工作.

    10. C.根据上文的reduce the heat in the hive可知,蜜蜂都朝着同一个方向,是为了把热气排出“蜂巢(hive)”.

    11. A.蜜蜂把翅膀用作扇子,通过扇风的办法给蜂巢降温,故此处蜜蜂是开始“抖动(shaking)”翅膀.

    12. A.蜜蜂把新鲜空气吸入蜂巢,“内部的(inside)”温度就下降了.

    13. B.由下文的two groups of fanning bees are working together可知,在非常炎热的天气,当外界温度持续升高的时候,另外一组扇风蜜蜂开始投入工作.

    14. D.根据上文的The fanning bees ...side of the hive gate可知,两组扇风蜜蜂分别站在蜂巢口的两端.

    15. A.两组蜜蜂共同工作是为了“抗击(fight)”酷暑.

    16. B.一组蜜蜂把新鲜空气吸入蜂巢,“同时(while)”另一组蜜蜂把热气排出蜂巢.

    17. C.两组蜜蜂同时工作是为了使巢内的空气流动“更快(quicker)”.

    18. C.由without being killed by the extreme heat可知,温度下降,蜜蜂家族才能继续“生存(live)”.

    19. B.由最后一句的which also helps get rid of much heat可知,蜜蜂也用水使蜂巢保持“凉爽(cool)”.

    20. B.蜜蜂也通过蒸发水分的方式降温.在扇风蜜蜂“工作(on duty)”的时候,蜂巢中流动的空气会带走水分,这也有助于带走很多热量.