英语翻译6.Kate said that she ______ to Guanzhou .A.has never gon


  • 6.Kate said that she ______ to Guanzhou .

    A.has never gone B.had never gone C.has never been D .has never been

    答案:D 翻译:凯特说她从没去过广州.


    7.The students want to know whether they ________ P.E.Lesson today since there was a light rain .

    A.had B.has C.will have D .would have

    答案:D 翻译:学生们想知道有小雨了还能不能上体育课.

    whether引导的祈使句要用过去完成时 .

    8.She asked Linda if _______ go and get some more drink .

    A.could she B.she could C.she can D .she may

    答案:B 翻译:她叫琳达去弄些喝的来.

    if引导的祈使句要用过去完成时 .

    9.Linda said Beijing _________ the capital of China .

    A.is B.was C.to be D .had been

    答案:A 翻译:琳达说北京是中国的首都.


    10.Can you tell me ______ you were born ,Betty

    A.who B.what C.when D .that

    答案:C 翻译:贝蒂,能告诉我你是什么时候出生的吗?
