MAY DAY(五月节) 也就是劳动节.但应该是比较中文的说法,因为国外(欧洲之类)只不过劳动节的...
on the 1st of May 的英文节日名称
英语翻译"May the Star of Happiness,the Star of Wealth,and the St
_____(nation) Day is on the 1st of October.
in the morning on May 1与on the morning of May 1有区别吗
The high-anxiety focus on reading score may have narrowed st
she arrived early on Monday morning,1st May
On ()we eat turkey.(节日名称)
on the morning of March 31st与in the morning of March 31st都正确
a paper on the 21st May2013写成 on the21 5 2013对吗?
Labour Day is May 1st.对may 1st提问.
Jack was killed at the early morning of May 1st ,1927,为什么用at