我们能让他们干学生该干的活吗?as 作为连词可以引导从句,students 后面省略了动词.
Could we just let them do their job as students?中的as是什么词性怎样翻
students should ()their own interests as well as do their ho
please dont think of me.just do your job as well as yiu can
As we all know ,teachers should encourage their students to
英语 as的意思They will not do as planned这句话中的as是什么词性什么意义
as as 中间接什么词性
as well as 中的2个as分别是什么词性?
We enjoy staring at them,entranced as they go about their bu
英语翻译翻译 As you can see as什么词性?I’ll behave toward them as I wo
They spent as many hours as they could ___ their lessons.
They spent as many hours as they could ___their lessons.