英语7年级首字母第13篇答案Yesterday afternoon there was a big t________(


  • Yesterday afternoon there was a big traffic________(1) accident near our school .A car ran into a big tree by the roadside .The driver died__________(2) in the accident and three others in the car were badly hurt . An ambulance came and took_______(3) them to the hospital .The policeman said the accident happened because of the heavy________(4) rain in the morning . Later________(5) the policeman told us more about_______(6) the accident. Zhang lu‘s arm and shoulder were badly hurt in the accident .He comes from______(7) Datong ,Shanxi .Chen Yong is 23. He got_______(8) a big cut head . He is a good friend of the driver Miao Hu and they both_____(9) come from Jiangsu . Liu Yefei‘s right leg is broken_______(10) and he is still in the wmergency room .He is 34 years old.

