it指的是i smiled a big smile这个事件过程,(it) worked a little,really.的意思是这真的有点作用.
i told myself:"smile!it's not so serious." i smiled a big sm
I like the sun,so I like smile`!00
Smile does not mean that on the surface of heart smile,I wou00
哪位大侠帮忙翻译条句子:she smiled her told-you-so smile.00
/yxq/It's not myself I want .00
the moment i smiled, but i laughed s00
帮忙翻译下英语I catch myself smiling for no reason, then I realize00
I can Smile a little00
Every day I can not sleep,miss your smile.00
英语翻译I will not forget your smile forever.00
It’s time that I ______ home, but I’m enjoying myself, so I00