英语挑错 Dear host family We are glad that you chose our daughte


  • 楼主……直说一句话……你这篇文章的最大毛病就是太过Chinglish……就是完全以中文的思维来写的这篇文章……

    1.第二段开头不要用As soon as,直接用When即可;后面的for ten months time可以把time去了;our hearts 【are】 full of……

    2.第三段:第一句改为:our daughter is a healthy ,optimistic,and happy girl;Almost all people 【who contacts with her】【would like】her……(其实这句完全不用那个从句,直接说Many people around like her very much.就行了);之后的那句话:……she (will be删掉)is a (good删掉,和之后的俩词意思有重复)smart and 【lovely】(cute和smart都有敏锐聪明的意思) girl.

    3.第四段:Our daughter 【is】( 这个地方最好不要用省略写法);we let her to learn 【to play the piano】……;When she was 12 (years old去掉,之前已经有了)……;the second 【price】……;


    5.第六段:She 【has】many……(这个错误错了好几处,不是have是has,第三人称单数,其余的就自己改了吧);students often have difficulty or problem to discuss with her.这句话改为:when her classmates have difficulties,they often want to discuss with her.(注意单复数形式);……often very accurate to say that the substance of the issue这句改成:……can often point out the key of issues.

    6.When she heard a song which she like it,she always find the song when she comeback home and downlord it in her MP3 player.这句话问题严重……应该是:When she 【hears】a song which she【likes】,she always 【likes to download it in her MP3 when she comes back home】其实……这句话我也觉得写法不当.如果想要表现你的女儿爱好音乐的话完全可以举其他例子,这个例子完全不具典型性.还有就是……楼主啊……注意第三人称单数形式啊……您女儿是第三人称,一定是用三单现的形式啊!

    7.……she always 【does】 some housework,【and】 also 【solves】 problem with 【us】.还有:……she gives us a word on a relaxed and harmonious.这里relaxed 和harmonious都是形容词,所以在此之后需要加一个名词,否则句子结构残缺.

    8.Our daughter likes small animals.Squirrels and other small kitten puppy.这应该连成一句话.并且kitten 和puppy已经有“小”的意思了,就不需要再在前面加一个small了.所以这句话应该改成:Our daughter likes small animals such as squirrels,kitten and puppy.之后:【Her grandma】 has three cats and one dog,【and she likes them very much,specially a small black cat.】Each time 【we go】to see grandma……

    9.Our daughter 【is】 not so fastidious 【about】【food】.紧接着的后面一句不能用as long as这个句型,完全是莫名其妙.应该改成if the food is good for health,she does not refuse it.楼主这里还要注意一个问题:这文章的时态太混乱了.要么都是用现在时,要么都用过去式,不要一会儿过去一会儿现在的,这样理解起来很恼火……最后的一句完全也可以省掉,因为你在这里写这么一句话和之前的她不挑食没有任何关系.

    10.头句同上,不要省写;To take part……这句话不要重起新句,直接可以连着上面一句写.There is no strangeness for her.这句话你想要表达的意思我知道,但是感觉这个英文句子有点别扭,应该换一下(我一时也想不出更好的表达方法,不好意思……)get along well是个固定搭配,不用在中间加一个very;之后的become a member of your happy family也完全可以不要,因为你的意思在前一句已经表达到位了;之后的manage要改成treat,without的那部分可以省掉;She will be very happy with you.应改为:And we're sure that she will be very happy to live with you all.最后一句We express deep gratitude again.应该提行重起一段,并且在express之后再加一个our.

