got marry to 可以用于完成时吗?


  • 不行的,现在完成时表示发挥僧在过去的动作或存在的状态到说话时刚刚完成或结束,通常使用不具有延续意义的东西,marry 是瞬间动词

    高中英语中关于marry 的用法一直是学生比较容易出现错误的一个点, marry意为“结婚,娶,嫁,与……结婚,为……主婚”.常见用法如下:

    1.A marry B 表示“A与B结婚”、“A娶/嫁了B”、“A为B主婚”.此时marry为及物动词,不能与with连用.例如:

    ——He married a beautiful girl two years ago.两年前他与一个漂亮的女孩结了婚.

    ——The priest will marry the two young people.牧师将为这两位年轻人主婚.

    2.A be/get married to B或A and B be/get married表示“ A和B结婚”.例如:

    ——Tom got married to a woman teacher.汤姆和一个女教师结了婚.

    ——Alice and her boy friend were married last year.爱丽斯和她的男朋友去年结的婚.

    3.A has been married to B for…或A and B have been married for…表示“A和B结婚多长时间了”.由于marry 是瞬间动词,所以此时不能说:A has married B for…或A and B have married for…例如:

    ——How long have you been married?你们结婚多久了?

    ——We have been married for ten years.我们结婚10年了.

    ——Tom has been married to Mary for five years.汤姆和玛丽结婚5年了.

    4.C marry A to B:表示“C将A嫁给B”或“C为A娶B”.例如:

    ——They married their daughter to a doctor.他们将女儿嫁给了一个医生.

    ——He married his son to a rich lady.他为儿子娶了个有钱的女子.

    5.A marry +副词:表示A的结婚状况.例如:

    ——He married late.他结婚很晚.

    ——She married well.她嫁得很好.

    6.问某人是否结婚,习惯上说:Are you married?或Have you got married?不能说:Do you marry?或Have you married?例如:

    ——Is she married?她结婚了吗?

    ——No, she is single.不,她是单身.

    ——Are you married?你结婚了吗?

    ——Yes, I've been married for ten years.是的,我已经结婚十年了.