M: Good morning, doctor.


  • 小题1:What’s the matter / the trouble / wrong (with you)?

    小题2:Yes (, 1 have).

    小题3:It started two days ago. / Yesterday. / Last night

    小题4: What should I do? / What can I do? / Can you give me some advice?

    小题5:Thank you (very much). / Thanks (a lot).


    小题1:根据You don’t look well“你脸色不好”可知,接下来问的是“你怎么了?”故用What’s the matter/the trouble/wrong (with you)? 。

    小题2:根据My temperature is a little high可知,回答是肯定的,故用Yes,对话往往承前省略,只保留Yes。故填Yes (, I have).。

    小题3:问句问的是“什么时候开始的”,用时间回答,答语只要与时间有关皆可。故填It started two days ago./Yesterday./Last night.等。

    小题4:根据答语可知,这里是向医生求助。故填What should I do? /What can I do? / Can you give me some advice?。

    小题5:根据答语You’re welcome.“不客气”可知,上一句是表达对医生的感谢。故填Thank you (very much)./ Thanks (a lot).。