帮忙写一个英文SUMMARY!急用!Beauty segment targets male and female mar


  • According to a recent report from independent market analyst Datamonitor,male grooming segment still represents a good chance for consumer packaged goods companies,but the market needs a different methods from the female market.

    One of the important difference is The level of engagement.women always ncare their brands targeted ,but most men did not pay much attention to new personal care products.Price ,habit/preferred brand" and "ease of use are tthe important factor for men when buying personal care products.

    Datamonitor stated."High-engagement brands will obviously be need by the man and several areas of the market are open to diversification skin care is also necessary .

    the men's grooming segment is a hotbed is perhaps the fact that Procter & Gamble will be placing a much greater focus on men by reorienting its beauty business by gender versus around product categories.