下面的这两个短语是对的吗?two old pieces of furnituretwo pieces of old fu
请问个语法问题two pieces of furnituretwo pieces of cheese中哪个正确?为什么?
two piece of coats / two pieces of coat.那个对?
two pieces of chocolate还是two pieces of chocolates.那个对
两条消息two piece of news 还是two pieces of news
two pieces of clothes的说法对吗?
There are two pieces of paper in the bag.对 two pieces of pap
英语 two big pieces of paper 和 two pieces of big paper,那个对 请详细
May I have ___ ,please?A.two piece of paper B.two pieces of
two pieces of cake 还是 two pieces of cakes?cake 到底可不可数
"Two pieces of paper,"中为什么用“pieces”