英语试题一、单选1. Tanya’s little sister ______ the new book tightly


  • 答案如下:


    1. Tanya’s little sister ______ the new book tightly with both hands and said “I love stories.”

    B. grasped

    2. Old-fashioned telephones have round dials, but ______ ones have buttons.

    B. modern

    3. I would like to (identify) the beautiful flowers in my neighbor’s garden. In other words, I would like to

    A. find out what kind of flowers they are.

    4. We (furnished) the house with stuff we had bought at auction sales.

    D. provided

    5. My wife and I cannot come to an ______ about whether to spend the holidays with her parents or mine.

    A. agreement

    6. There’s an unusual (twist) to the plot at the end of the book.

    A. change

    7. If a company (produces) candy, that means it

    B. makes the candy.

    8. (Tension) is:

    C. a nervous feeling

    9. Because she thinks it is ______ to do the same kind of exercise every day, Shannon sometimes runs, sometimes swims, and sometimes rides her bike.

    C. dull

    10. The opposite of (logical) is:

    C. not making sense

    11. A (volunteer) is:

    C. a worker

    12. I’m lucky. My family has always been there to ______ me during the hard times.

    A. support

    13. The opposite of (motivated) is:

    A. bored

    14. Even though his car was destroyed in the accident, James felt ______ because he was able to walk away without a scratch.

    A. fortunate

    15. Something (negative) is:

    B. bad

    16. The (estate) consists of a main house, servant’s quarters, stables and 200 acres of woods.

    C. property

    17. My uncle in Canada (notified) us that he was coming here on a visit in a few days.

    A. informed

    18. The (conclusion) of something is:

    A. the last part

    19. From your (standpoint) this may be important, but from mine it is not.

    D. point of view

    20. If a history teacher tests you on the (facts) of the Second World War, you need to know

    A. what actually happened during the war.

    21. The opposite of (minor) is:

    B. very important

    22. Someone who is (fortunate) is:

    C. lucky