From the advancement of quality-oriented education until now, transformation from examination-oriented education to quality-oriented education have reached consensus among many teaching staff in China. Nowadays the voices for quality-oriented education get stronger and stronger. The schools extending all over China, as requested, start to lanuch quality-oriented education to meet the educational aims in new era. Reformation in curriculum materials, improvement on teaching ways, renewal of facilities in schools witness the quality-oriented education being actively implemented. However, due to economic conditions and gap of perceptions in education, the implemental effectiveness of quality-oriented education is intermingled with bad and good. Due to adverse effects had by market ecnomy and other factors on school education, the effectiveness of quality-oriented education is further lowered, which makes us have to contemplate the challenges encountered by quality-oriented education when quality-oriented education being launched. Quality-oriented education could not operate and function as expected.
This article has sampling surwayed 240 students in primary and middle schools in city. Base on this, the implementation of quality-oriented education in primary and middle schools was for better understood. From the results of analysis on questionare,the implementation quality-oriented education in primary and middle schools in our city was far from satisfactory and there was lots of mends needed to be made. I hope some suggestions brought forward in this article might offer some help for implementation quality-oriented education in primary and middle schools in our city.