

  • Life is like a boat Nobody knows who I really am I never felt this empty before And if I ever need someone to come along Who's gonna comfort me and keep me strong We are all rowing the boat of fate The waves keep on comin' and we can't escape But if we ever get lost on our way The waves would guide you thru another day Nobody knows who I really am Maybe they just don't give a damn But if I ever need someone to come along I know you would follow me,and keep me strong And every time I see your face,The oceans heave up to my heart You make me wanna strain at the oars,And soon I can see the shore Oh,I can see the shore When will I.can see the shore?I want you to know who I really am I never thought I'd feel this way towards you And if you ever need someone to come along I will follow you,and keep you strong And every time I see your face,The oceans heave up to my heart You make me wanna strain at the oars,And soon I can see the shore 没有人知道我究竟是谁 我以前从未感觉到如此虚无空荡 如果我需要有人来陪伴 谁会安慰我并让我更加坚强 我们都在命运之湖上荡舟划桨 波浪起伏这而我们无法逃离孤航 但是假使我们迷失了方向 波浪将指引着我们穿越另一天的曙光 在遥远的地方呼吸着 仿佛变成了透明一般 还以为是周遭的黑暗 却只是被蒙住了双眼 虔诚地祈祷着 期待新的一天的到来 直到闪耀着亮丽光芒的大海边际 没有人知道我究竟是谁 或许他们并不会指责我的荒唐 但如果我需要有人来陪伴 我知道你会追随我并使我坚强 想从不断变迁的人心中挣脱 又一轮阴晴圆缺的月亮 牵引着我向前 每一次我看见你的脸庞 海洋奋力托起我的心脏 你令我在荡桨时感到紧张 转眼我竟看不到岸的彼方 啊,我看不到岸的彼方.究竟什么时候才能看到岸的彼方?我希望你能知道我的真实 我从未想过我将要追随着你的方向 但如果你需要有人来陪伴 我将追随着你并使你坚强 就算平淡安稳的日子里 旅行也依然继续 又一轮阴晴圆缺的月亮 照亮了我的身影 虔诚地祈祷着 期待新的一天到来 直到那闪耀着亮丽光芒的大海边际 每一次我看见你的脸庞 海洋奋力托起我的心脏 你令我在荡桨时感到紧张 转眼我竟看不到岸的彼方 荡起命运的小舟 虽然波浪一波一波地袭来 这次仍是美好而奇妙的旅行 每次都是美好而奇妙的旅行