too either as well当[也]的意思的时候,用法有什么不同


  • A.too 是个常用词,多用于口语,语气较随便.一般用在肯定句中,放在句末,或作为插入语放在句中.例如:

    I'm in Row 1,too.我也在第一排.

    She,too,is a singer.她也是一位歌唱家.

    B.also 是比较正式的用语,语气较庄重.它经常放在句中,位于行为动词之前;位于系动词,助动词或情态动词之后.例如:

    Mrs Green can also sing the song in Chinese.格林夫人也能用汉语唱这首歌.

    They also have fish shops in that small town.那个小镇上也有鱼店.

    C.either 表示“也”时一般只用于否定句,且只置于句末.例如:

    I don't know him.Tom doesn't know him,either.我不认识他,汤姆也不认识他.

    If you don't go there,he won't go there,either.如果你不去那儿,他也不去那儿. well 常用于口语,用法和 too一样,通常位于句末,它前面通常不用逗号.例如:

    She is a teacher and a singer as well.她是教师,也是歌唱家.

    I know Japanese as well.我也懂日语.

    E.Neither 两者都不,也不

    Neither of my sisters drinks coffee.


    He hasn't got a ticket and neither have I.


    He can neither read nor write.