Mary is too short to to get the cup on the table
Mary is not tall enough to get the cup on the table的同义句
改为同意句:Mary is not tall enough to get the cup on the table00
10. The boy is not tall enough to reach the apples.(两个同义句,to00
There is no enough() on the corner to put the table00
There is a cup on the table.(变为否定句)00
The boy is not old enough to go to school该同义句00
I am not ____ to reach the clock on the wall A enough tall B00
The suitcase is not light enough for the boy to carry.同义句改写00
he isn't tall enough to catch the apples.同义句00
He is not strong enough to carry the heavy box同义句00
(Is there cup on the table)改错00