英语才艺展示 写一首诗要一首诗20句的(ENGLISH)或一篇短文(30句)


  • Spring

    Sound the Flute!

    Now it's mute.

    Birds delight

    Day and Night.


    In the dale,

    Lark in Sky


    Merrily Merrily to welcome in the Year.

    Little Boy

    Full of joy.

    Little Girl

    Sweet and small.

    Cock does crow,

    So do you.

    Merry voice,

    Infant noise,

    Merrily Merrily to welcome in the Year.

    Little Lamb,

    Here I am,

    Come and lick

    My white neck.

    Let me pull

    Your soft Wool.

    Let me kiss

    Your soft face.

    Merrily Merrily we welcome in the Year.