一个英语问题As more studies have been completed on the effects of
weaken:意思可以是 “使..变弱”
但是在这两句话中,不是 “使..变弱”,而是“减弱;变弱;萎缩”,是主动,不是被动
并不是别人把它变弱,而是自己 减弱;萎缩
The effects of air pollution on natural conditions have been
as well as the effect that colours have on
英语翻译One of the more unlikely offices to have been flooded wi
英语翻译Extensive investigations have been made of the effects o
英语问题19 Over ________ of the articles on education have been
英语语法问题I have always been of the impression that as a college
dinosaurs have been completely died out on the earth,never (
The largest study of the effects of .
The construction of the new pool was to have been completed
英语翻译Purpose:This study examines the effects of distribution