technology makes communication easier以此为题写一篇英语作文,越长越好,写的好我给加


  • Technology makes communication easier

    Distance used to be the main barrier that shuts people off from each other.Just imagine the effort it would take to deliver a letter from a province to another in ancient times.Even when we have cars to transport our correspondence it still take months to send and receive a letter from a far away relative or friend.And it is very likely to lose your letter during the transport.So at those times a letter really weighs much heavier than now it does.

    What is it that makes our communication much easier?Everyone could give you the answer without thinking.It's technology.

    With the appearance of the computer and the internet our life changes.Morever our way of communication changes enormously.Communication can take place anywhere any time as long as you have a access to internet.We chat via qq with our friend.We write an E-mail to our friend instead of writing a letter.Why?Because with a few simple clicks you can send your message to anyone in a second for free.We can say that internet provides us a huge and vast communication platform.Everyone is in the reach whereever you are.

    Technology brings us awful lot.Thanks to technology we can now communicate with each other freely and easily.