

  • (1,写信人:Mrs. Alice Brown

    2,收信人:Mr. Tim Green

    3,LKD公司将于2011年12月28日14:00在中远酒店(Zhong Yuan Hotel)召开LKD公司新产品发布会(News Press on New Products)

    4,邀请Mr. Tim Green 参加

    5,感谢Mr. Tim Green多年来的支持,并希望Mr. Tim Green能继续订购LKD公司的产品.)

    Dear MR. TIM GREEN

    Our company LKD will hold the new production reportment in zhongyuan restuarant in the 2 o'clock in the afternoon in 28th Dec.We'll thank you for the support of you for such a long time,and we hope that you can keep on ordering our production.

    yours sincerely

    Manager of LKD : MRS.ALICE BROWN
