

  • time

    Time is fair,no matter you are rich,or poor,no matter you are a sinner,and kind person,time will be equally.Of course,for those who do not cherish the time,time is always not leave a bit of a show,no matter how those people cry,he still walked firmly,have been walking.

    "Wash your hands,day from the basin in the past,when you eat,the time from your job in the past,quietly,from away before my day-dreaming gaze.I perceive him to rush,hand covered in,he and from covering the arm in hand in the past,when it gets dark,I lie on the bed,he was clever of the music started from my body across,from my feet fly away.When I open my eyes and goodbye to the sun,the day has been pass." This was written by zhu zi-qing "hurry" a paragraph in the essay.

    Yeah,how time flies,like rivers and lakes east,gone,so we should cherish the time.



