一.连词成句,是问句的请回答.1.Lot,vegetables,of,you,for,a,are,good(.) 2.p


  • 1. Lot,vegetables,of,you,for,a,are,good(.) Lots of vegitables are good for you.多吃蔬菜对你有好处.

    2. plenty, exercise, get,make,healthy,of,(!)

    Plenty of exercise makes you get healthy.大量的锻炼使你身体健康.


    Model A: What's good for me? Vegetable is good for me .

    1. he,apple,goodWhat‘S good for him?Apples are good for him.

    2. we, chip, badOur chip is bad.


    I'm going to send a letter to my friend. I need some stamps.我打算给我的朋友寄封信.我需要邮票.宝贝,希望对你有所帮助,学习进步、快乐!