1.If_________this afternoon,I'll wear my new raincoat.


  • 1.it rains

    2.is/becomes,will go

    3.plays,he will have

    4.make,will be/feel

    5.touches,he will feel

    6.it is,will go

    7.eat/have,I'll have

    8.does,she will be/feel

    9.have,we will name

    10.there is,will

    11.go,they will have/eat

    1.If she misses the bus,she'll be late for work.

    2.If I practice,I'll play chess better.

    3.If I go to the bakery,I'll buy an apple pie.

    4.If you don't finish school,you'll be sorry.

    5.If Sam works hard in a school,he'll get a good job.