This is a devoted efforts of the quasi-autobiographical stream of consciousness novel. The book is not the ups and downs of the plot, the content is divided into three parts, as follows: The Window; Time Passes ; The Lighthouse. The novel To the Lighthouse Center for the clues throughout the book, written Ramsay and some guests in the First World War, a fragment of life experiences before and after.James son of Mr. Ramsay wanted the lighthouse, but could not do so because of bad weather. After the war broke out, a Ramsay vicissitudes. After the war, Mr. Ramsay sail boat carrying two children, finally reached the lighthouse. While sitting on the shore painting Lily also just arrived in Ramsey, a lighthouse when the sentiment of the moment, the central down to a medium format, and finally draw the illusion of mind linger for years, so beyond themselves, to become a real artist.
英语翻译“小说情节曲折,富有戏剧性,语言清新流 畅,充满机智,是奥斯汀最受欢迎的一部小 说.” 这一句的英文翻译,
《童年》是谁写的?童年是高尔基以自身经历为原型创作的自传体小说这是三部曲中的第一部,其他两部为《 》 《 》
修改病句 童年是苏联作家高尔基于1914年完成自传体小说三部曲中的第三部