英语翻译Do you use the epoxy (doming) to make the picture on the


  • epoxy 环氧基树脂

    doming 凸起(铺道)

    Flash drive 闪存驱动器

    epoxy (doming)就是一种透明的塑料,可以经常看到那种钥匙扣啊,上面覆盖有一层这样的东西,在这塑料下面是一张图片.那层塑料通常不是平的,总有点弧度,所以doming是很形象的.


    以下文字可以参考下:epoxy doming is the effect of placing epoxy on the surface of most anything that has an edge, like labels, cut metal and such, surface tension will keep the epoxy from running off the edge of the item, that is until it's mass exceeds the strength of the surface tension, when the epoxy hardens it leaves a clear glass like dome covering the item

    有个网页,图片你可以看下,帮助理解,文章也是和epoxy doming 相关的.
