

  • 词根和词缀 含义

    -able capable of

    -al relating to

    -ance,-ence state,action or quality

    -an,-ian of or belonging to

    anti- against

    auto- hear

    bi- two

    bio- life,living

    cent-,centi- 100 or a 100th

    counter- opposite,against

    -dic- say,speak

    dis- not,negative

    en- put into,cause to be

    -er,-or a person or thing taht dose an action

    -ent,-ant having the nature of

    -ese nationality or language

    ex- former

    -ful full

    -fy,-ify make or become

    geo- the earth

    -graph- something written

    -hood state or time of being

    homo- same,like

    il- not,negative

    im- not,into

    in- not,into

    inter- between,among

    Intra- inside,within

    ir- not,negative

    -ish having the nature of

    -ism principles or teaching of

    -ist a person who is skilled in an area

    -ive having the nature of

    -ize cause to be or become

    kilo- 1000

    -less lack of,without

    -logy the science or study of

    -ly in the manner of

    mal- badly

    -ment the action or condition of

    milli- a 1000th part of

    mini- vary small or short

    mis- badly,wrongly

    mono- one,single

    multi- many

    -ness the condition of
