appendix 和accessory是否在多数情况下能互换?


  • accessory配件;附件;[法] 从犯

    1.N-COUNTAccessories are items of equipment that are not usually essential,but can be used with or added to something else in order to make it more efficient,useful,or decorative.附件

    2.N-COUNTAccessories are articles such as belts and scarves which you wear or carry but which are not part of your main clothing.配饰

    3.N-COUNTIf someone is guilty of being an accessory to a crime,they helped the person who committed it,or knew it was being committed but did not tell the police.从犯

    appendix附录;阑尾;附加物1.supplementary material that is collected and appended at the back of a book

    2.a vestigial process that extends from the lower end of the cecum and that resembles a small pouch
