没那么复杂,日常口语中同样的意思一般就只用 do 或 finish 来表达:I've just got one more thing to do(finish) 我就只剩一件事要做(完成)啦 ...do / finish 或者像这句用了 achieve,还有人会用 accomplish,这...
英语翻译I've just got one more thing to achieve
英语翻译Only got just one life this I’ve learned ,Who cares what
I'd like to have a more reliable car.The one I've got keeps
I've got another one to spare
It's the one thing we've got to be very careful __ whenever
I’ve got to go now. Something has just _________ at school a
翻译:I've got to go now be-cause it's etting late.和I've got to
英语翻译i just got into the business on a Bid to my Late Dad con
I英语翻译:’ve got to get this shirt washed and ironed,其中got to什么
I’ve just seen no more than one copy of “The Piano Teacher”