英语造句 例:A cheerful person is usually happy and smi


  • An energetic person is constantly doing things.一个充满活力的人能不断地做事.

    An enthusiastic person know how to adjust the atmosphere when it's silent in meeting place.一个充满热情的人知道在会场沉默的时候调节气氛.

    A faithful person can keep his promise.一个忠实的人会遵守诺言.

    A humorous person is readily accepted everywhere.有幽默感的人处处受欢迎.

    A romantic person is liked more.一个浪漫的人更讨人喜欢.

    An obedient person can let person be at ease.一个听话的人会让人觉得放心.

    A peaceful person enjoy the life.一个爱好和平的人喜欢享受生活.

    A successful person must possess some good characters,such as diligence,strong will,perseverance,etc.一个成功人士必须具备一些优秀的品质,如勤奋、毅力、恒心等.

    A cooperative person is more likely to be successful.一个合群的人更容易成功.

    A punctual person always finishes everything ahead of time.一个守时的人总是把事情提前做好.