

  • Mr. xxx shows impressive diligence and outstanding

    capabilities during his half-month internship with our company. Mr. xxx is

    always ready to hearken to the advice and experience sharing from his mentors

    and team-mates, whereby no time is wasted in trying to resolve any problems out

    of his depth on his own, but spent more wisely on thinking of better ways based

    on the shared knowledge. Mr. xxx is never afraid of over-time working due to

    pushing deadlines and presents work of high quality prior to the expected

    timeline. Mr. xxx is not only smart in applying what he has learnt

    theoretically to real-life, but also abiding by all the rules and regulations

    of our company. Mr. xxx is never late for work, early to get off, or absent of

    no reason. Mr. xxx earns good reputation with the colleagues at work with aneasy-going personality, thanks to the educational background from high school A.