make a case for something:1,to explain why something should be done 2,to explain that something is true 这里适用第二种解释,解释某件事情是对的,真实存在的.scholars have tried to make a case for acquisitiveness,competitiveness,and selfishness as innate human trait.意译为:学者们已经尝试着证明人性生而具有求知欲、竞争欲及自私自利.
请问make a case
case making plants
请问拆箱用英文怎么说?是split a case 还是split open a case?
make the case for 费解中,请译完下句 并重点说下 make the case for
请问I have a pencil case.这句话中,pencil case 整体作宾语,还是case作宾语,penc
your major task is to make a case study and to give a conclu
21527—your major task is to make a case study and to give a
英语翻译In such cases,Lab-Volt will make reasonable efforts to a
ln that case,let us make it tomorrow
but in your case I'll make an exception