

  • Ideals and dreams

    Distress of the prodigal son of a food and clothing, and looks forward to the future of food satiety; exhausted in a vast wave of boat Departed, not far from the渴盼can have foot sandy habitat; a frustrated person, full of longing for a happy day ...

    That person may be your vision of others, you may also.

    It is generally hard to succeed great ideas known as the ideal, usually the heart may have no grasp of the ideas may be called a dream.

    Ideal is rational thinking, dreams are romantic emotion.

    Therefore, we immerse ourselves in hard work often ideal for people who have sincere admiration: "You will realize the ideal." HUAI often dream of driving a good joke make your dream go Chunqiu吧! "However, our own has always carved in dreaming and in the hearts of earnest cry:" Let this dream come true it fast! "

    And have fought for the ideal person must be a strong person, and has a dream in which the intoxicated person must be a romantic person.

    Toward the ideal path, in general are strict; flew up into the sky dream, usually free.

    Ideals are heavy, but the heavy person will often inspire the greatest energy, the glorious achievements of a person's future; dreams are easy, but this is often easier to remove the burden of people's minds, so full of joy of life.

    Not all be able to realize the ideal of life variables are often dedicated to individual pieces hit the determination dwelling may not be open flower.

    It is the pursuit of a meaningful life, meaningful life is what it?

    The values of dedication to lose undesirable nature of the loss of Human Happiness undesirable.

    Dream when the foot must not forget their own way, and stood for the dream life will lose value.

    At the same time struggle for the ideal may wish to make a few free dream, dream as long as it can give you a relaxed and happy.

    Happiness truly significant and valuable person, dreams and ideals are interwoven person.