英语翻译问:现在门禁案件流程复杂,难道不能更快捷一些么?答:使用面部识别系统,安全,快捷 问:每天面对这么多的邮件,系统


  • A: It is quite complicated for current entrance control system, is there any faster way?

    B: use face detection system, safe and fast

    A: Is there any other wy to handle so may document, system, email?

    B: Standardize the operation pastform, fully automated it

    A: managers report face to face, is there any method that is more objectie?

    B: One stop management platform

    A: Printing efficiency is low, need to walk few times and printer always malfunctions, is there any easier way?

    B: real time printing, make printing easier

    A: Current procedure is too complicated for new comers to understand, any easier way?

    B: Simplify the procedure

    A: The efficiency of the training center is low, environment is bad, anyway to make the training better?

    A: Presentation is not so clear, looks simple, is there any more presentable one?

    B: E-presentation, full of content and update promptly

    A: Meeting room resource is scare,projector and phone is in bad condition. Is there any better environment for meeting?

    B: Video conference, linked globally

    A day os full with innovation is just passed.

    In future, do we keep innovative?