谁给我一篇5 12 地震的英文感人故事?


  • When the rescuers found her,she was already dead,crushed by the collapsed house.Through all the debris,people can see her unusual posture:both knees down,upper body leaning forward,supported with both hands on the ground,like praying to the heaven.The rescuer reached his hand in through the crevices and confirmed her death.He again shouted and knocked the loose bricks with his tool,hoping to detect some life,but no response from inside.

    The rescue team moved on to the next collapsed building.The team leader must have felt the strange posture of the dead lady.He turned back to make a double check.Then all the others heard his shouting:“Come back!There is a baby alive under her body!”

    After a hard try,they carefully cleared the debris around the dead woman.And there,under her body,lied her well-wrapped baby,three or four months old,sound sleeping.Thanks to his mother’s protection,he was not hurt at all.His serene sleeping face brought everybody present to silence.The doctor came over to perform the routine check and found out a cell phone tucked under his blanket.He took a look of the screen and read a text written message there:“My beloved baby,if you finally survive,please bear in mind that I have loved and will always love you.” Even the Doctor,who has been so used to life and death these days,could not help but cried.The cell phone was passed along,bringing everybody to tears.