麻烦精确翻一下这个An understanding of the derivation of the word "com


  • 对于“竞争”这个单词的来源的一种理解An understanding of the derivation of the word "competition"


    supports the understanding that cooperation,rather than evoking a characteristic at the opposite extreme of human nature from competition,

    的确是竞争的一个重要元素的观点.is in reality a necessary factor in competition.

    研究人员发现以回报为基础的对“竞争”与“合作”的定义是不足的Researchers have found definitions of competition and cooperation based upon rewards (这里该有个are吧) inadequate

    其主要原因是对于这两个概念的这种定义把它们定义为了相反的概念primarily because definitions of these two concepts based upon rewards depict them as opposites.
