什么是Time Series


  • Time Series

    Minitab抯 time series procedures can be used to

    analyze data collected over time,commonly called a

    time series.These procedures include simple

    forecasting and smoothing methods,correlation

    analysis methods,and ARIMA modeling.Although

    correlation analysis may be performed separately from

    ARIMA modeling,we present the correlation methods as

    part of ARIMA modeling.

    Simple forecasting and smoothing methods are based on

    the idea that reliable forecasts can be achieved by

    modeling patterns in the data that are usually visible

    in a time series plot,and then extrapolating those

    patterns to the future.Your choice of method should

    be based upon whether the patterns are static

    (constant in time) or dynamic (changes in time),the

    nature of the trend and seasonal components,and how

    far ahead that you wish to forecast.These methods are

    generally easy and quick to apply.

    ARIMA modeling also makes use of patterns in the data,

    but these patterns may not be easily visible in a plot

    of the data.Instead,ARIMA modeling uses differencing

    and the autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation

    functions to help identify an acceptable model.ARIMA

    stands for Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average,

    which represent the filtering steps taken in

    constructing the ARIMA model until only random noise

    remains.While ARIMA models are valuable for modeling

    temporal processes and are also used for forecasting,

    fitting a model is an iterative approach that may not

    lend itself to application speed and volume.

    Simple forecasting and smoothing methods

    The simple forecasting and smoothing methods model

    components in a series that are usually easy to see in

    a time series plot of the data.This approach

    decomposes the data into its component parts,and then

    extends the estimates of the components into the

    future to provide forecasts.You can choose from the

    static methods of trend analysis and decomposition,or

    the dynamic methods of moving average,single and

    double exponential smoothing,and Winters?method.

    Static methods have components that do not change over

    time; dynamic methods have components that do change

    over time and estimates are updated using neighboring


    You may use two methods in combination.That is,you

    may choose a static method to model one component and

    a dynamic method to model another component.For

    example,you may fit a static trend using trend

    analysis and dynamically model the seasonal component

    in the residuals using Winters?method.Or,you may fit

    a static seasonal model using decomposition and

    dynamically model the trend component in the residuals

    using double exponential smoothing.You might also

    apply a trend analysis and decomposition together so

    that you can use the wider selection of trend models

    offered by trend analysis (see Example of trend

    analysis and Example of decomposition).A disadvantage

    of combining methods is that the confidence intervals

    for forecasts are not valid.

    For each of the methods,the following table provides

    a summary and a graph of fits and forecasts of typical


    Command Forecast Example

    Trend AnalysisFits a general trend model to time

    series data.Choose among the linear,quadratic,

    exponential growth or decay,and S-curve models.Use

    this procedure to fit trend when there is no seasonal

    component to your series.Length:longProfile:

    extension of trend line