

  • If I only march composition profile:if my life only in our life perhaps,march go to the end of life,we will remember we have missed.If our life only in March,we can how to cherish.When the first day of the sun shine,I will arose,give parents a smile,as they prepare breakfast,and then go out,walking in a street,smiling,smiling face of all people


    假如我只有三月生命作文简介:假如我只有三月生命 或许,在我们走到生命的尽头,我们才会回想我们所错过的.假如,我们的生命只剩下三月,我们能够怎样去珍惜.当第一天的阳光普照大地,我将起身,给予父母一个微笑,为他们准备早餐,然后出门,漫步于大街上,微笑着面对所有人,微笑着

    Actually this is one question that has long been in my thought.I started wondering what I would do if there is only one day left in my life since the first time I got the book writen by Helen Keller.I always found it a tough one to aswer,because I have not see enough things,how sad it is for me to give up all the fun I might of have in the future.

    But back to the topic,if that day really comes,I would skip school,go out to the countryside with my parents and shout out whatever things come up to mind.I would then eat all the expensive candies that I always dreamed of.I would sleep with my mom till the last minute.

