

  • Internet has been reagrded as one of the most terrible terrible inventions in the 20th century.The reason was simple:many interneted based cons,deceptions,cheatings have happened and are taking place more and more.

    The Internet Crime Complaint Center says internet fraud involving

    auctions,identity theft and other activities cost consumers millions dollars and increase every year.

    Internet has shortened the distence between people,talking wit someone

    thousand miles away is as easy as a mouse click,but at the same time

    internet has made it hard to know a person whom you talk with as he/ she

    can be disguisted as whatever people.This is also a problem nowadays.

    However,the negative effect cannot deny the fact that with the developing of network technology,the Internet based on TCP/IP

    protocol is used widely,which has had a great affect on our life.Internet has made our study,banking,shopping and communicating with other friends very easy.Noone can imagine what it may happen if we suddenly lose internet one day.

    (by ztlthb)