

  • 乐羊羊”是一只高大帅气、阳光自信的大羊,着色为奥林匹克五环中的黄色,象征主办城市“穗城”(稻穗颜色),有丰收、喜悦之意,表达亚运会的成功举办将是亚洲人民宝贵的精神财富.“乐羊羊”领着四只小羊乐呵呵地阔步向前,寓意广州人民以积极乐观、昂扬进取的精神面貌,迎接亚运盛会的到来,拥抱亚洲美好的明天.


    “Le Yang Yang”is a tall,handsome,confident big sunshine sheep,the five rings of the Olympic coloring yellow,a symbol of the host city," Sui city "(rice color),there is a good harvest,the joy of Italy,the expression of the Asian Games the success of the people in Asia will be a valuable spiritual wealth." Le Yang Yang "乐呵呵lamb led to four big strides forward,meaning the people in Guangzhou to a buoyant,high-spirited and enterprising spirit of the event to greet the arrival of the Asian Games,embrace the Asia's bright future.