

  • 对勒贝格积分进行了深入研究,重点从三方面详细论述了勒贝格积分相对于黎曼积分的优越性,首先勒贝格可积函数的范围比黎曼积分广泛,其次在勒贝格积分意义下,积分与极限交换顺序的条件比较弱,最后从微积分基本定理的应用范围上再次加以证明

    To forced the Begg integral to conduct the deep research,key elaborated in detail from three aspects has forced the Begg integral to be opposite in the Lebanon graceful integral superiority,first forced the Begg integrable function the scope to be graceful the integral Lebanon to be more widespread than,next in forced under the Begg integral significance,the integral and the limit exchange order's condition was quite weak,finally performed from the calculus fundamental theorem's application scope to prove once more