role play 对话剧本situation1:student A:you are the sales manager


  • situation1:

    student A:

    Hello,I am the sales manager of Guangdong Buyun shoe store.I think you are a shoe agent in the U.S.Nice to meet you.

    student B:

    Yes,I am a shoe agent in the U.S.Nice to meet you,too.I know in recent years,Americans stared to wear"buxie",which is really or Chinese cloth shoe.Your shoes have become very popular in the U.S.and Canada.This is my major purpose to this meeting.I want to place an order for 20,000 pairs of cloth shoes.

    student A:

    I am sorry about this.Now I have only 1,000 pairs of shoes in stock.How about you wait for 3 months.

    student B:

    I only can wait for 2 mouths.

    situation 2:

    Student A:

    What can I do for you?

    student B:

    I am a manager of a foreign company.I have placed an order for 15 air-conditioners.How much?

    student A:

    The total price is 75,000 RMB.

    Student B:

    I want a a 12% discount.How about that?

    Student A:

    I only could make 7% off the original price.This is the highest discount.

    Student B:

    I agree this discount.

    situation 3

    student A:

    Sorry about that I couldn't make the delivery of goods.Because the weather is very bad these day.The best I could do is to deliver half of the goods at the end of March.It will be remaining in next two months.

    student B:

    I want to make the shipment in March.Because I want to place the goods on the market in time.

    situation 4

    student A:

    I am represent Guangzhou Native Produce Imp.&Exp.Corp.I think bags are good.Also the quality are the best.

    student B:

    I want to order that about total of $8,000 worth of apples.And I want the goods packed in cartons.
