英语翻译左金丸方 义:1.肝实则作痛,心者肝之子,实则泻其子.2.故用黄连:泻心清火为君,使火不克金,金能制木,则肝平矣


  • Left Jin Wanfang righteousness:1.liver regulations ache,the heart liver,the regulations flow swiftly its.Therefore 2.uses the Chinese goldthread rhizome:Flows swiftly the heart to cool down for Mr.,causes a fire not gram gold,Jin Nengzhi the wood,then liver even.3.evodias:Xin is hot,can enter faints cloudy,dispels symptoms such as bloating the solution to be strongly fragrant,also can direct hotly downward,therefore thought instead assists.A cold heat,the cold normal treatment,the heat from governs,governs the heat by the heat,governs it from its nature,also says the treatment by reverse process.Therefore can aid renders meritorious service,the liver resides in left,the lung is in right.Left Jin Zhe:Says causes the gold to make very good Yu Zuo to treat disorders of the liver.