

  • there is no rush,there is no hurry.for this beautiful moment is already here.there is no lack,there is no limit.for the possibilities of now stretch out in all directions.there is no worry,there is no regret.for this is the time to live and to act.even when you have no reason to enjoy life now,enjoy it anyway.for joy is its own best reason.open your eyes to the rich depth of this moment's gloden treasures.breath in deeply,filling your sense with the fresh,cool sweetness.being here now is a remarkable blessing.the more you enjoy the moment you're in,the more treasures it will bring.right here and right now life overflows with richness.what a beautiful moment to live!"这个美丽的瞬间"英语作文译文:没有匆忙,没有仓促.因为这美丽的时刻已经到了.没有缺乏,没有限制.因为此刻有无限扩展延伸的可能.没有烦恼,没有遗憾.因为此刻是生活与行动的时刻.即使你找不到享受此刻生活的原因,还是享受它吧,因为快乐本身就是它最好的原因.睁开你的双眼,看看深藏在此刻的珍贵财富.深深地吸一口气,让自己充满新鲜凉快的甜蜜感觉.处于此刻是不寻常的赐福.你享受此刻越多,它带给你的财富也越多.此时此刻的生活如此多姿多彩.活在此刻,多么美好!