look forward to(介)doing ...to (介)...此类短语有哪些,要全.


  • 含介词to的短语:


    1.abandon to:离/遗/抛弃

    2.accommodate to:顺/适应

    3.adapt to:适应 be adapted to

    4 .admit to/be admitted tointo 承认/被.录取

    5.adjust to:调节,使适应

    6.apply to:应用

    7.contibute to:贡献;撰稿:有助于

    8.dedicate to:把.奉献给

    9.devote to:致力于;投身于

    10.get down to:开始认真做某事

    11.lead to:通向;导致

    12.look forward to:期盼;盼望

    13.object to:反对

    14.pay attention to:注意

    15.restrict to:限制;约束

    16.see to :注意;处理

    17.stick to:坚持;粘住

    18.submit to:呈/提交;顺从

    19.take to:开始

    20.look up to 尊敬

    21.addict to 沉湎于,沉溺于

    22.help oneself to 自用


    1.(have)access to:途径;机会

    2.answer to(a question):(问题的)答案

    3.entrance to(a cave/garden):(洞穴、花园等的)入口

    4.(do) good/harm to:(对.有)益/害处

    5.notes to the text:课文的注释

    6.key to(a door/problem):(门上/问题的)钥匙/关键

    7.limit to:限度

    8.solution to(a problem):解决途径/方案


    1.be equal to:等于;相当于

    2.be addicted to:沉溺于

    3.be accustomed to:习惯于

    4.be/become/get used to:习惯于

    5.be good/nice/kind/loyal/polite/faithful/sincere to:


    6.be bad/rude/cruel/impolite to:


    7.be useful to:对.有用

    8.be familiar/known to:为.所熟悉/了解

    9.be similar to:与.相似

    eg:1.To my great surprise,yesterday,he asked me a few questions_____there were no answers.

    A.to which B.about which C.in which D.on which

    2.Mary was looking forward to____Kate's birthday party.

    A.being inviting B.being invited C.invite D.be invited

    3.They have thought of a solution to_________the problem caused by smoking.

    A.solve B.solving C.solved D.having solved
