请根据以下提示,以The Man of ‘apple’为题写一篇介绍steve jobs的短文


  • Steve Jobs was born at 1955.

    He is the CEO and co-founder of the united states Apple Corp.In 1976,21year old Jobs and 26 year old Wozniak founded the Apple Corp

    Jobs has created the Macintosh computer,iPad,iPod,iTunes,store,iPhone and other digital products

    in 1985,Jobs won by Reagan (Ronald Reagan) president awarded the National Medal of technology; in 1997 to become the (time) cover character; in 2007,was (wealth) magazine named the year's most powerful businessman.In 2009,was (wealth) magazine as the ten best AmericanCEO,the same year was elected (time) influential man of the year

    Jobs is one full of imagination and creativity of the people.People around the world will never forget him and his' Apple ' 语法问题你基本上可以忽略掉,看哪里你自己改一下.